This message, among other things, is an explanation to understand why some religions are apparently more cruel than others. If we review history and go back to different times, we will find a very cruel religion, the Catholic religion at the time of the Inquisition. Although today this religion has already become a permissive religion, including the hundreds of Christian sects, which are more of the same.

So, when we see groups of sadistic people who want to transform the world with evils, such as cutting off heads, killing with whips and other atrocities, we see that these religions are going through a stage that other religions have already gone through.

To those religions that to date are still going through this stage of extreme ignorance, I say: no era and no ignorance will change the laws of the Universe and the constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven of our Lord, God the Almighty Father.

 Our planetary system, which impresses us every day, has a single purpose, as I have already said in other messages: that there be a planet like Earth so that on it, what God the Father Almighty has decided, in favor of the undesirable spirits of his kingdom, may be fulfilled. In order not to throw them all out onto the globe and then end up absorbed by Nature “forever,” as slaves.

Look at the expenditure of Universal resources that our Lord, in his infinite mercy, has invested in “our” planetary system, with that sole purpose already stated.

If at one stage of the existence of some religion, people were martyred, for any whim of a pope or a king, nothing could prevent those martyrs from returning to the Kingdom of Heaven, after their martyrdom. Nor will anything change the fact that the perpetrators of any savagery against humanity and even against animals, can be freed from the worst that exists, within the Kingdom of Heaven or outside the Kingdom of Heaven. .

Thus, in any situation in the Universe, Universal justice will give what corresponds to each spirit and in humanity, in addition, the spirits will always be responding to the laws of the constitution of the Kingdom of Heaven, for men and for women.

  MEN, do you want to return to the Kingdom of Heaven, without going through the spiritual reconfiguration, which means the level of animals? Fulfill this that God the Almighty Father demands of you, in order to return to HIS kingdom:

1. Seek creative crafts. Carpenters, blacksmiths, jewelers, etc... as examples.

2. Never lie verbally.

WOMEN, you come with a mission and a duty to fulfill:

1. A mission to fulfill: motherhood.

2. And a duty to fulfill: honesty.

Now, in general terms, any spirit, man or woman, will return to the Kingdom of Heaven, when accidentally or incidentally loses his or her life, in cases such as the following:

1. Dying to save another human being from a catastrophe: Fires, floods, earthquakes.

2. Dying in war to defend one's country.

3. Dying as a martyr, from the evil of people or religions, in their stage of extreme ignorance.

 Furthermore, and without having to die, my friends, those men with whom I have interacted in some way, in some creative craft activity, will also return to the Kingdom of Heaven in due time.

Perhaps I am becoming repetitive in my messages and this is because the TRUTH is simple. I cannot make up stories to fill a book of thousands of pages or make up commandments wholesale.

Notice how with 4 words for men and 4 words for women, I tell humanity everything it needs to know to return to the Kingdom of Heaven. In other words, with those 4 words, I checkmate all the religions on Earth, that exist and that have existed.

Actions speak louder than words, says a saying. Therefore, those who steal from the state, those who take advantage when they are directors of companies and take what does not belong to them, for their benefit and that of their large family, will not escape, neither from the laws of the Universe, nor from the constitution of the kingdom of God the Father Almighty.

Cattle ranchers of any kind, stop getting into debt with Nature, in every living being that you then send by the thousands to the slaughterhouse for your comfort, because then you will not be able to pay that debt. Do not forget that Nature does not understand reason nor does it know what mercy is and whoever does not pay their debts, it will be charged.

And God the Father Almighty by HIS will, will not bring back any of the spirits that at this moment are men, because those spirits are on their way to undergoing a therapy (animal level) in order to become as humble as a dachshund.

 If an irresponsible or crazy religious person came up with the idea of preaching that God the Almighty Father, what he signs with HIS hand, then erases with his elbow, it can only be considered a joke or something crazy. Although never as a reality.

  What you have just read is part of the TRUTH, not from “converts” of religious people, twisted minds.


Fernando A. Montes de Oca B. (Tito)

Man of trust, of God the Almighty Father.

Immaculate power of the kingdom of Heaven.


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